Book Preview!

Jacqueline Janssen is an advocate for families affected by mental illness. She served as a Director on the Local National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Board and as a Commissioner on the County Mental Health Board. She is one of the creators of the County Family Partnership Policy because family involvement in the care and treatment in mental health recovery leads to better outcomes for clients, more support for providers and a better quality of life for all concerned.
Research overwhelmingly shows that when families take an active part in treatment decisions, consumer outcomes are better. While families do not cause or maintain serious mental illnesses, their knowledge of and relationship with the consumer is unique and can be a significant help in determining the best course of treatment.
As a nonprofit consultant and executive recruiter, Jacqueline and her team at Janssen & Associates consulted to businesses, nonprofit Boards of Directors and placed leaders in nonprofits that support social justice including education, the arts, women’s rights and the environment. Her TV program, Architects of Opportunities, shines a light on nonprofit founders. She is a member of the International Association of Feminist Economics (IAFFE) and holds a bachelor’s degree from U.C. Berkeley. Jacqueline refers all former clients and referrals to her colleague, Stacy Nelson and Associates. She retired to write, advocate, volunteer and travel the globe with her husband.
Jacqueline Janssen’s books include:
- Are They Poems Yet? Words of Friendship
- A Brief History of NAMI Marin
- LeaveLight, co-authored with Marilyn Geary, is a practical and spiritual guide to prepare for vulnerable family members left behind after one’s death.
- Siege of the Heptanese, co-authored with Mike Morrissey, is a travel book of bare-boat sailing down the coast of Greece.
- She is currently completing Every Homeless Person has a Mother, a book for families whose adult children succumb to homelessness and to advance advocacy for women’s voices.
I raise up my voice—Not so that I can shout, but so that those without a voice can be heard.
Jacqueline is an activist for women’s rights. Through her business Janssen & Associates she used the opportunity to place women and women of color in leadership positions. She was a Nominated Changemaker for the White House’s United State of Women, a former Commissioner for the County Women’s Commission, representative to the CA Commission on Women, a Member of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women and a presenter at the UN Conference on Women and an ongoing member of Her volunteer work for YWCA includes delivering her course, Women Can Negotiate and leading classes in career advancement. Her writing is an effort to bring women’s intellect, intuition, compassion, leadership and more to ensure gender equality.

Reviews of Every Homeless Person Has a Mother
from Early Beta Readers
“Every Homeless Person Has a Mother, conveys a powerful message about the challenges faced by mothers and families whose adult children are living without housing, particularly those dealing with mental illness. It also brings to light mothers in other circumstances whose voices are disregarded, and their adult children succumb to homelessness. The material addresses the importance of family involvement in treatment and recovery of people with mental illness, whole family healing, and the need for equity, to prevent homelessness. The narrative reflects on the emotional journey of mothers and their quest to find peace, strength, and advocacy in such difficult situations.
The author includes personal experiences, evidence, and the need for collective action to prevent homelessness. It is written with passion and commitment and inclusion of demographic statistics adds credibility to the narrative and further emphasizes the urgency of addressing the issue. Every Homeless Person Has a Mother is a thought-provoking and emotional exploration of the challenges faced by homeless individuals and the vital role of mothers and families in preventing homelessness. It is for readers who are interested in mental health, preventing homelessness, and the power of advocating for change.”
“While reading the prologue for Every Homeless Person Has a Mother, it becomes clear that the author’s theory on how to end homelessness by preventing it is unique and different from the commonly discussed approaches. She emphasizes the crucial role of mothers, families, and the need for family involvement in treatment to prevent homelessness, particularly for individuals with mental illness.
The author’s focus on the demographics of mothers and families impacted by homelessness sets the theory apart from the usual discussions that often focus on poverty, lack of housing, drug addiction, and mental illness as primary causes of homelessness. By highlighting the intersection of women’s voices and the collective impact of mothers, the author presents a fresh perspective that challenges the existing narrative.
The author effectively communicates the new direction she is proposing, and the evidence she has uncovered adds weight to her claims. Readers who engage with this book will likely find this theory thought-provoking and see the potential for a different approach in addressing homelessness. This is a call for advocacy.”
from Other Writers
“You know of holding hate and pain in one hand and grace and beauty in the other and you do it so well. I love this because mental illness is all around us in everybody including the medical professionals. Thank you, Jacqueline, for writing about it. It’s such a taboo when it’s your own children and it’s so hard to talk about. I just really thank you for writing about it so eloquently.”
— LL
“I am heartbroken and enraged by this silencing of mothers. Thank you for putting this pain and dysfunctional system in the spotlight with such powerful writing.“,
— Jennifer White
“This is so powerful. And yet as women, we still divide each other. Just as you say, we need to raise our voices together. Thank you for this!”
— Anne Front
“This was riveting, insightful, and gut wrenching. Thank you for so eloquently framing such a consequential issue.”
— Olivia Waller Bethea
“I feel so seen. I am howling in despair, grief, anger…but this gives me hope. Someone sees it. It’s not just in my mind or heart. It’s real. I love you for you and for this. My God.”
— Jaz Taihreen
“Holy fucking shit! This is gutting! Mind blowing!”
— Kate Ballew